I am so incredibly proud to be able to offer this free resource section to whomever is looking to have a great relationship with their dog, and are able to self-teach through free, non-interactive online sources. There is also a section for anyone who is not a believer in the method of teaching with Positive Reinforcement that has links to science based research and studies on why R+ (Positive Reinforcement) is so beneficial.
I am fully aware that hiring a training professional can be really expensive and not everyone can afford it, especially in our current economy. I have been there, myself.
I also wholeheartedly believe that every dog deserves a happy life, and their family deserves to have a happy, joyful relationship with their dog, too. So I will weed through the copious amounts of content out there so you don’t have to. And I will share only the type of content that I, myself, would use, knowing what I know now as a PPDT, FFCP-T, and FDM (learn more about me here).
I wholeheartedly hope that some of you can find this useful.
Please know, I’m always here and happy to point you in the right direction, even if you can’t hire me to work with you and your dog personally.
My wish is for everyone to have a Happy Life with their Happy Dog.
And I am Happy to facilitate that in any way that I can.
The internet can be full of resources, but which ones are the best choices for your relationship with your dog? YHDC takes the guesswork out of knowing where to look, and has created a video library of skills from trusted trainers for your convenience.
Learn how to understand your dog’s body language and build a stronger bond. Discover key signals like tail position, ear movement, and posture to prevent misunderstandings and create a safer, happier life together.
There is so much information out there, it’s hard to know which will help your dog feel and learn the best, so Your Happy Dog Coach did it for you! YHDC has websites, YouTube, and a bonus for you.
Anyone can say they use the best method of dog training, but Positive Reinforcement has the science to back it up, and Your Happy Dog Coach has the links for it
How do you know if a book or podcast will give you the information you need to build a strong relationship with your dog? Your Happy Dog Coach made a list!
Whether you are bringing home a puppy from a breeder or adopting a dog from a rescue, there are some things to know about to help make your new pup feel safe and have the best start with their new family.
Here is where you’ll find contact information for local vets, as well as to what to do in case of an incident involving a dog in Yarmouth Co. You’ll also learn about bite scales and the ladder of aggression in here!